Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Having 19 Kids would be Awesome! If...
Monday, September 13, 2010
New Beginnings
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Attack of the Drone
Sunday, July 4, 2010
My Apologies to the Elderly
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Unca Monkey
Barista Blessing
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
To Boob or to Bottle
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Psycho Running: A Play
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Introducing...SkipppyDon Juan!
So Little Dude it is no more!!
My handsome, googley eyed honey is now officially:
****SkippyDon Juan****
If you haven't read the SkippyJon Jones books yet, you're missing out on a side stitch of fun. And, well, Little Dude casts spells with those peepers. Puss in Boots or Dandy Manny came very close, but I thought he might not appreciate either one.
So, my tiny chunky hunk, my SkippyDon Juan, you are becoming quite the little boy.
- We cut your last twelve baby hairs so they don't tickle your elbows. The Great Uncle Lionel, barber extraordinaire, did the honors at 3:30 on Sunday, May 31st. There was much fanfare and you sat very still for the paparazzi.
- Today was pool day! The plastic one on the patio. You rocked that swim shirt! And thank you for not pooping whilst commando.
- You love to Diaper Jam with the Hot Tamale after bath. Both of you lock hands and open your mouths soooooo wide and try to eat each other. You're losing, but not for long.
- Get it going with that Electric Worm! It will become a crawl very, very, very soon. Dang! Can't park you on the bed anymore.
- Peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash are officially part of your culinary repertoire. But that squash burned the crud out of your hiney area. Sorry bud.
- I just want to kiss your face all day!! And you let me! Thank you, and I apologize in advance for smooching when it becomes embarrassing for you.
- The ladies at the church nursery don't want to let you go. EVERY time we show up YOU are making eyes at them while all the other babies are on the floor.
- What is that squeal noise?!? It's like a half dead kitty falsetto.
SkippyDon Juan, why you are the second of who knows how many children I can't say. I just know that your gentle spirit is a gift to you--not a result of Parenting Book X or your own effort. Please remember that God has placed that tiny, patient heart in your body for a specific reason and your whole existence depends upon using it for just that.
And don't forget that when I disappoint you, when I fail you, when you grow up and realize I'm human too, Jesus will always come through. He loves you and me more than we can fathom.
Buenas, mi amor...
Potty Talk: Would Poop by Any Other Name Smell as Sweet?
I'm really tired of the advice already and haven't even read much of it. Some people (you know, in the chat rooms on the internet) even do this elimination training whereby baby doesn't wear diaper (??). Mom "senses" when Precious is about to bm and holds him above the toilet. I'm guessing co-sleeping needs to happen so mom can "sense" those leaky little pipes at 2 am. Apparently said kid is "mostly" trained by one year but then it takes until two to be fully accident free. These are the same people whose mutant offspring are on Your Baby Can Read.
The complication continues with entire aisles at Baby MegaPlex devoted to the Holy Potty Grail. Some are insets that perch inside the big person toilet. Others are transformers--whipping from stool to seat within a certain time limit. And, yes, some even sing when tinkled in. Kid MUST be immediately freaked out when the pee starts a rollin'!
But that trash is boring and it's not even worth a few more words on the subject. As long as rich people have rich little babies, product developers and their marketing leeches will always go for the jugular. We have something far more important to decide:
What will we call the excrement????? This will decide what my children call it for their entire childhood. Stories will emerge from these words. It better be good.
The most comprehensive potty dictionary I can develop in ten minutes:
If it's brown, flush it down...
- Poop: Concise. Easy to say. Very public friendly. But it's just no fun and it reminds me of dogs. I hate dogs.
- Poopie: Cute, petite brown floaties. Very playdate-ish. We're liking the poopie. Although not cute coming from my son--he's already a bit on the dandy side.
- Caca: Multicultural, somewhat discreet. Too bad Olivia loves her Kashi cacas. Off the list!
- Doo doo: This says, "I'm a 5th grade boy." Or, "I'm from Arkansas."
- S--t: By far the most appropriate. Very German in inflection. Too bad our society slapped an inappropriate label on it.
- Crap: The WORST verb in human language. As a noun it's not so bad. But I'll keep this one for a fender bender exclamation.
- Fecal Matter: Need a rubber glove and stethoscope for the rights to say that one.
- Turd: Caddyshack Baby Ruth.
- Shite: Love, love, love this one. Why do British folk sound so fancy and talk so good?
- Pee pee: That stupid potty book that sold like a bazillion copies somehow uses this to describe a body part on a GIRL. Crazy dumb. No thanks.
- Wee wee: Willy Winky runs through the town! Upstairs, downstairs...
- Piss: Redneck Bubba in a port-a-potty.
- Tinkle: Ooo! Yes! The Tinkle Fairy whisks around the bathroom...I see a wand in the near future.
- Tee tee: Nice. This one feels neutral. Unoffensive, simple. A subtle slam at golf. My kind of word.
- Urine: "We're going to have to put a catheter in, ma'am."
- Number 1: Lame.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
iPad: Beginning of the end?
So I'm trying to watch the end of fill-in-the-blank reality show and that stupid Apple commercial pops up again. Stevie J gave us the best TV ads, perhaps ever, and we've sunk to this? I'm treading on thin ice here since I know less than nothing about anything with wires, but "iPad is thin. iPad is beautiful"?!? iPad's iHair flows through the iBreeze on a motorcycle. Do I really need a reminder how ugly and fat I am from an electronic device?
This is not a PC/Mac debate. Those people who say each are great for different purposes just don't have enough money for Apple. My laptop shuts down in five seconds, your Toshiba takes five minutes. So is PC good for people who have inordinate amounts of time to waste? No, the folks in Cupertino have that argument in the bag. Where they screw up is in Pied Pipering the skinny jean crowd to fall for the Emperor's new clothes. By using a Suave commercial template.
So, listen up lemmings! If you fell for the iPad, you are a complete sucker. It is an iPhone that doesn't make calls and doesn't fit in your pocket. Maybe the point is to carry it in a sling, like a newborn baby, and invite others behind you in Chic Coffee House to coo at it. Good luck with that. It doesn't even have the applications that actually help you get work done. You bought the iPad because 1.) it's Apple; and 2.) that commercial about it being sleek and sexy made you want to be part of the in-crowd.
I'm not saying that the iPad isn't a step toward the future norm. But remember all those folks who fell for Vista? Or laser disc players? Give a thing at least four generations before shelling out some serious dough.
Development Dept. at Apple: watch yourselves. When the lemmings find out you're scamming them, your next new iDevice will fall flat.
Back to mommyhood, where paunchy midsections and dark under-eye circles reign.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Hot Tamale Heads to Kinder
Friday, May 21, 2010
I've got a lovely bunch of coconut...chocolates
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Blessed Lobotomy
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The BIG girl bed
Monday, May 17, 2010
Four-mile First
Watch it sister! If the only reason I want to run (ha! jog...slooooowly) a marathon is to say I did it, is it worth it? I don't know if I can mentally psyc myself out for going that distance for bragging rights. But truthfully, that isn't the only reason why. Here they are in order of importance:
1. "I ran a marathon." Wow! Really? Was it hard? Why would you do that? I enjoy answering these inevitable questions in my head. It's my acceptance speech at the Oscars or the perfect end zone dance.
2. I'm sick of elastic pants. I'm sick of forming my rolls into a giant donut on my stomach. And then making it talk. This isn't me in this body--let me out!
3. I want a physical representation of what God wants my spiritual life to look like.
Number three should be number one, and I have faith it will be near mile 22, but probably not a step too soon. This is a serious time commitment and if the end product is an aborted after baby, perhaps that time could be used differently. Paul likens the Christian walk to running, finishing the race strong. The few times I've run longish distances I never felt this more tangibly.
Still toying with the idea. Maybe a half is more reasonable, but how lame is that.
"I ran a half marathon."
"Were'd the other half go?"
You're funny, random sideline heckler.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
What's the dill, pickle?
- Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus--girl, you rock OUT to that one! And everytime it's like the first time you hear it! "Put your hands up they're playing my song, let the butterflies fly away!"
- Brother's hands/hair/mouth/tummy--you just can't get enough of him. He doesn't always appreciate the extreme love and someday you'll get what's coming to you.
- Ming Ming is still in your graces, although Tuck (aka Cut) is wooing you to the turtle dark side.
- Counting to 20, then shouting "again!"
- Circles are everywhere. Yes, I see them too!
- Chee and cackas.
- Waking up at 5:52. We'll get you an alarm clock, babe, because that trash needs to stop.
- Asking for Babba and Grandma. They will come home eventually, I promise.
- Duck Duck Moose is a savior to iPhone moms everywhere. Itsy Bitsy and Wheels on the Bus get picked most often.
- Milk or awa?
Friday, May 14, 2010
How to have a family outing
- Diaper Bag--Don't you dare trust that what you stuffed in there last time is still there. That trash grows legs. Here's what should have been in my bag this morning: wipes, diapers (at least 3 per bottom), more wipes, spare clothes, snacks, other snacks in case those snacks are no good, baby spoon, at least two small toys that can clip to an infant seat, spare mommy shirt for inevitable projectile vomit, formula dispenser, bottle, hooter hider, bottled water, sippy cup of water, bib, sunblock, disposable placemat from Chick-fil-a, hairband, cell phone, wallet. What was actually in my bag? Four dirty baby spoons, the dog collar, a yogurt encrusted finger puppet, and five dead cheerios. Get that lifeline in order while the kids are napping in the morning. Check.
- Kid Transport--Double? Single? Umbrella? Infant carrier? I opted for the shopping cart for toddler and Baby B'jorn for Little Dude, but reluctantly. I hate the Baby B'jorn. Not only does it have a I'm-a-gay-dad-in-Manhattan name, but I read somewhere that they used as a torture device in the sixteen century. At any rate it's vastly quicker than a wrap so short term shopping with it is moderately bearable.
- Food--What a lovely day? Let's have a picnic! Really? Think through this. Blanket to sit on, food chopped/prepared/bagged and loaded in a cooler. Don't forget to put the cooler in the car. That's a good 20 minutes. Now we need the stroller. Let's load that up. 5 minutes. A couple more toys for entertainment.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Fat, Not Pregnant: 8 Things Most People Won't Tell You About Having Babies
Of the many pieces of advice thrust upon me during those long months before baby arrived, by far the best came from my friend Joy. "It will take you a while to lose the weight." No big shocker there. But then seeing my misunderstanding, she qualified that with, "No, you'll look a good five months pregnant for several weeks." Now there's a new thought. Because some extra rolls clinging to my abs is one thing, but now even the shape of my body will be different? What about that "deliverance" from pregnancy? How long does this after baby stick around? Maybe that won't happen to me.
So when I find myself an hour after Olivia squeezed through the birth canal, buck-naked in the bathroom with the nurse helping me change gowns and clean left over inner thigh goo, my first thought looking into the mirror was get-this-fat-suit-off-me. Forget second trimester, we're talking a full seven months pregnant form. Fluid, schmulid. I'm huge.
It takes a good two weeks for the moon-pie face aura to dissipate, another four for the uterus to snuggle back in your pelvis, and what's left is yours to keep. Contrary to my assumption, pregnancy fat is just as (if not more) authentic than Twinkie fat. There's no fat fairy twirling about granting speedy weight loss to new moms and casting anti-aerobic spells on paunchy middle-agers. Fat is fat and working it off takes an equal amount of commitment.
So five days after our second child graced us (a mere 14 months later) I wasn't surprised when the chick behind me in a burrito joint gleefully asked when I was due. Had she not been seven months pregnant herself, more than words would have been exchanged, but I tried to think about Jesus and keep my wrath in check. What followed was a graphic description of the birthing process--including the I'm-sitting-on-barbed-wired-fence-and-can't-get-off feeling that lingers for weeks--as well as my friend Joy's advice that she'd look equally disgusting for quite some time post-baby. After all, we ladies were promised a heinous delivery process, thanks to Eve and that apple, so I chalked my education lesson up to Biblical revelation. The poor girl turned a ghastly yellow, murmured something about charro beans, and slipped out sans burrito.
Comb through every pink What to Expect book at Barnes and Noble--no one will probably told you these things about your impending birth and aftermath. Bear in mind that, just like every other mom who isn't sharing your experience right now, you too will forget any of it happened.
1. People who tell you they loved being pregnant were probably institutionalized. Or should have been.
Their hair felt thick. Skin glowed. Trumpets roared. Madonna and Child. How fun it was to feel the baby kick! They got to eat anything for nine months! Feel free to call these people at 3 a.m. when Junior is kicking the crap out of your kidneys. Or when walking up a flight of stairs sends daggers through your sciatic nerve. Invite them to vomit with you thirteen weeks straight. And don't even get me started on stretch marks. Yes, that baby is precious. Getting there is not. God says so.
2. You can't shave for at least two months.
At the end of your term, forget trying to shave. There's not a razor long enough to reach those ankles and you won't care anyway. Just give it up completely at the end and get your husband to shave for you before you head to the hospital.
3. At some point, your entire wardrobe will not fit.
Buying maternity garb is a much more fun pursuit these days than in the bygone tent-fashion era, but never buy for "down the road". Buy for this month and make sure it's a big on the loose side. Always avoid pants with the thinner elastic band in the third trimester. They cut off circulation and roll down like a canoli.
4. When other moms ask you about your pregnancy, they usually use as an excuse to talk about their experience.
They're listening for any break in the conversation so they can describe their third degree episiotomy. Or how much they miss being pregnant. It comes with the territory--I do the same thing.
5. It really hurts when the doc breaks your water before the epidural.
The first go around I was already juiced up and it just felt like peeing myself in a deep sleep. NOT SO with Little Dude. That trash hurts!! Ask about it ahead of time--maybe the first doc shouldn't have done it, but I sure appreciated the soft opening to labor.
6. The pain inflicted by the baby exiting your body lasts for weeks.
Weeks and weeks of bleeding and you're supposed to put on a Madonna and Child face for the parade of intruders, er visitors, who all want a piece of you. Pain pills will be your best friend so don't be afraid to pop 'em. And the more kids you have, the more excruciating it is for your uterus to spasm shrink as you breastfeed the first few weeks. Really painful cramps! Ouch!
7. The epidural makes your legs feel like rubber chicken thighs.
Giant, Godzilla-sized drumsticks. Next time I'll ask if the doc can just unscrew them for a while until pushing starts. Get your husband to give you a shave if you start labor at home or the morning before a scheduled induction. You'll feel way better.
8. Get ready to enjoy your maternity clothes for several months.
After having Irish twins I'm just getting back into non-elastic waistband clothing. Relearning how to button and zip.
Fast forward three months after number two. I've managed to corral two tiny kids into the local children's museum and, somehow, find ourselves in the dreaded paint corner. I connect with another harried gal who's sporting a pregnancy top with a belly to match along with her year-and-a-half old daughter. After chitchat about new words our girls are spouting, I eyeball her bump. Perfectly round, slim legs and arms. Lucky chick. And then I hear myself asking, so when is the next one due? Due? No, she's forty-three and it's just taking a long time for the weight to come off. Two flushed faces, some stammering, and a speedy exit later, I realize I've become burrito girl.
Mirror, Mirror
I found myself staring at the mirror five months after my daughter was born wondering two things. 1.) Who is that bloated chick staring back at me with a fat suit strapped to her midsection? 2.) Have I made a colossal mistake staying home with her? The first one was warranted a quick cackling "I'll get you my half marathon body, and your tight tushy too." The second one haunted me. Mostly with guilt and a good amount of shame. That I would even doubt my current mom status, the freedom from time clocks and button up starch, really bugged me. Having that thought kept me awake many nights afterward wondering if I should tell my husband, book a therapist, or just paste on a fake smile.
My husband knew something was up. Would I want to go back to work? Do I need time to myself? How about a mother's day out program? The most honest answer I could have given him at the time was yes; I want to go back to work.
Let me start by saying that we didn't win the lottery to "allow" me to be a stay-at-home-mom. My husband earns a modest, not extravagant, salary, we share the same ten-year-old vehicle, and our current residence is an 1,100 square foot apartment on the third floor. No picket fence or plushed-out Odyssey with drop down entertainment cube. A move for me to quit my job is a sacrifice on many fronts. We knew it and are reminded of it each of the thirty-four steps it takes to make the ascent home.
Back to my awkward mirror staring, I have deep struggling that makes me question my role. While I don't regret the decision to stay home, I wonder at the emotional struggle facing me in the gut. Yes, I want to go back to work. Not that teaching is the most enriching, career climbing path. I could leave the polite educator of the year nominations, atta girl emails, and the I'm-so-glad-I-got-you-as-my-teacher's. Although it would be great to bring home some bacon (obviously it would help) that isn't central either.
To be given an assignment, finish it with excellence, and check it off a list gives me a rush. I glean extreme satisfaction from task completion. If working in the corporate world is meticulous and measurable, motherhood is the absolute antithesis. No matter how hard I try, gauging success in parenting is impossible--not in a child's sleep schedule, eating quality, or development. No amount of documentation can identify every problem and solution in Babyland. To be a mother you must only be, not do.
So combine my type-Aism and newly crowned role as caretaker to the nonverbal and you have a borderline depressed individual. Whereas my husband and I were on equal professional footing prior to said bundle of joy, we have morphed into what feels like a subordinate/superior work relationship. And I have the good, family-involved, supportive variety who encourages girls nights out. Yes, I would like to go back to work. But should I?
When I decided to go for the plunge two weeks later and consider job applications and day care, still another feeling crept in. This one wasn't as much self-loathing as the tingling sensation after downing half a bottle of Tums. If I were to go back to the time card punching work force, what deep desire would I be looking to satisfy? How is that life more fulfilling than the mommy kind? My answer was as obvious as the baby weight perched on my hips. I don't feel worthy being "just" a mom.
To make matters worse, the people I've confided in encouraged me to do what makes me happy, a popular yet odd euphemism. Eating five gallons of mint chocolate chip ice cream would make me happy. Hopping on a plane to Italy would make me happy. Even leaving my life seems to offer happiness sometimes. The problem is happy is like a pretty fireworks display. It bursts, colorful and exuberant, igniting smiles and taste of ripe watermelon; then leaves a musty, degenerating skeleton that fades into the nighttime abyss. Happy is deceiving and very temperamental. To pursue it relentlessly it leaves an exhaustion that only steadfast joy can relieve. People who thrive on happiness alone end up with three spouses and a leased convertible.
So if I were to do what makes me happy today, it probably won't do the trick tomorrow. What if I am meant to be my daughter's primary caretaker, whether I want to or not? What if I am the only person on the planet designed to fit that role; that no other person, no matter how benevolent and loving, can even come close to filling my shoes, even on my worst day? Because I only get one shot to share a juicy pineapple with her for the first time. Or teach her how to drink from a straw. Or see a huge toothy grin when she dips her tiny toes in the apartment pool. Simply put: I can, so I should. Not just on the weekends, but everyday.
I don't miss work. I miss the fake feeling of value that comes with a wage. I miss my grande soy lattes and late night movies. I miss size 6 jeans. Yet I know what I don't want to miss the next time I stare into a mirror. Days saturated with airplane leg rides, belly laughs, tears, and mouthfuls of blueberries. From the mundane to the firsts, this fat chick needs to be there.
Is this another one of those?
- I'll try to be honest with you, but I won't make any promises. I can't even be 100% transparent with my husband. What makes you think I can get to the bottom of the deep end of the pool (the side under the high dive) in a blog?
- Most of what I'll put here is boring. But then there's a good amount of sanctity in what we'd call daily crap. I think it's worth discussing.
- I will write or put something here every day.
- I won't mention any names, but I will put pictures up. If they are of you and you don't want them posted, that's just stupid. Unless you're in an official witness protection program I don't think I'll do anything about it. You're really not that big of a deal. Plus I probably won't get around to doing much picture taking anyway.
- My children will be poached for content and I won't apologize for it. Like pimped out child stars that never make any money. Those stage moms are crazy and I'll not damage their reputation.
- Feel free to comment. I don't want to live this life alone and your words let me know that I'm not the only loony on the block.