Monday, May 17, 2010

Four-mile First

Drumroll please...brrrrrrrrr...four miles straight! All on my own! Without a scooter! If you're just getting into this like I am, know that the first two miles are generally junk, which is why it takes so long to get to three miles consistently. If you can plow through twenty minutes of peanut butter, you'll be rewarded with a bearable finish. This new distance makes me want to eat a donut guilt-free. My next challenge...a marathon, yes? How awesome would that life experience be.

Watch it sister! If the only reason I want to run (ha! jog...slooooowly) a marathon is to say I did it, is it worth it? I don't know if I can mentally psyc myself out for going that distance for bragging rights. But truthfully, that isn't the only reason why. Here they are in order of importance:

1. "I ran a marathon." Wow! Really? Was it hard? Why would you do that? I enjoy answering these inevitable questions in my head. It's my acceptance speech at the Oscars or the perfect end zone dance.
2. I'm sick of elastic pants. I'm sick of forming my rolls into a giant donut on my stomach. And then making it talk. This isn't me in this body--let me out!
3. I want a physical representation of what God wants my spiritual life to look like.

Number three should be number one, and I have faith it will be near mile 22, but probably not a step too soon. This is a serious time commitment and if the end product is an aborted after baby, perhaps that time could be used differently. Paul likens the Christian walk to running, finishing the race strong. The few times I've run longish distances I never felt this more tangibly.

Still toying with the idea. Maybe a half is more reasonable, but how lame is that.
"I ran a half marathon."
"Were'd the other half go?"
You're funny, random sideline heckler.

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